The West Indies Regatta 2017
We went to St Barths via a night anchored off Barbuda. We arranged to anchor in a bay with friends who were heading to St Barths too. We arrived about 6pm and they came aboard wolfhound for dinner. In the morning we walked on the beach and explored the sad ruins of the K Club. Where Princess Diana holidayed on a regular basis. Rumour has it that it has been bought by James Packer and Robert DeNiro so hopefully they will restore it to its formed glory.
We sailed on to St Barths. A delightful French island with a shopping street straight out of Paris and price tags to match! Lucky for Steven it was a bank holiday! The West Indies Regatta was held over the weekend and I raced on SWEETHEART again. This time we won!!!!! It was such a cool regatta as it is only open to classic Caribbean built vessels and although the fleet is small the people and the atmosphere was amazing. The prize giving was on the dock with the vessels stern too on the dock and each boat had a party aboard. After the prize giving they showed the film of the Rolling Stones Cuba concert last year. That really got the party going.
Next morning we said our goodbyes to Susanna and Charles who own SWEETHEART and headed for St. Martin. One the way we spent a night anchored off one of the rugged islands in the St. Barths National Park. It was a great opportunity to have a hike ashore and a snorkel. We then headed to St Martin to stock up and get some jobs done before we leave for The Bahamas tomorrow. The island is half French and half Dutch. We are anchored in the French half but as I write this blog we are sitting in a bar on the Dutch side! Rum punch are $2 each so its starting to get a bit noisy in here now!!
We will be at sea for about 5 or 6 days and I will have to get used to standing night watches again as I managed to get out of them on the Atlantic crossing as the cook doesn't have to do them unless she wants to (which I did sometimes). Anyway with only 2 of us aboard now I don' get to choose!
Enjoy the photos and don't forget to click the mouse over them to read the details.