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We had the most excellent time at the Nova Scotia Schooner Association regatta in Shelburne. We had our New Zealand friends Bryn and Sue with us for the week as well as several guests from Shelburne aboard each race day. We managed to win 2 trophies which we are really proud about. We have made so many wonderful new friends since we arrived in Nova Scotia. We are now moored off Lunenberg, having spent a few days anchored in a very quiet and well protected anchorage off Heckman’s Island. There we spent time in the home of Lorne and Ellie Leahey who made us very welcome and spoilt us with wonderful food and company.Lunenberg is one of the prettiest town imaginable with a working waterfront and a unique architectural heritage which has led to it being made a UNESCO world heritage site. We will probably stay here for a few weeks, which we have decided is the way to travel, this way we get a much deeper understanding of an area and its inhabitants. The temptation is to rush from one place to the next but we now see that travelling slowly and visiting less places but really spending time in the ports we do visit is a much more rewarding experience. We plan to return to Nova Scotia next summer as we love it here and we want to do the regatta again next year.

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