Still struggling with the mechanical issues!
Well its a while since I posted but there has been limited news and what there has been has mostly been frustrating. We spent 16 days here in Fairhaven sorting out the turbo and exhaust problems on the big Woofer. Steven set up his studio in Capt. Charlie's house and continued to work on a painting he had started in Antigua. Having finished it and the work on the boat was finished, we finally got away on Wednesday last week and went to have a few days, backtracking a little to Newport to visit my cousin Barbara and her husband Nick who live in a lovely home there. We anchored off Newport and dinghied in and Nick collected us from the boat yard and took us to have a delicious dinner at their home. The next day we set off to sail to Bristol to visit the Herreshoff museum which has been a long time ambition of ours. We had a wonderful day and planned to leave that evening to get down river back towards the sea and back towards Fairhaven as Steven had to varnish his painting which was waiting for him at Captain Charlie's house. Anyway, we started the engine and the same problem came up on the computer and the engine stopped running. Feeling very depressed we set off sailing back down river. Against wind and tide we made 5 miles in 4 hours then anchored for the night. Luckily the wind filled in early morning yesterday and we sailed back to Fairhaven, reaching the hurricane barrier 5 minutes before they closed it for 3 hours over high tide last night. We sailed in through the gate into the harbour and picked up the mooring outside Charlie's house. Today the floors are all up again and the engineers back on board scratching their heads.
We are lucky to have Terry a friend from New Zealand staying with us for a couple of weeks. This hasn't been much of a holiday for him unfortunately but he brings a wealth of marine engineering knowhow with him and has been a wonderful help to us over the past 10 days or so.