Swimming Pigs!
Well this was a very special experience and one that I loved! Visiting the beach where the pigs swim out to your dinghy to get snacks! So very cute. The pigs have become conditioned by cruising yachties feeding them scraps and now the pigs will swim out to greet you when you head to the beach. Pigs don’t naturally take to the water but the adult pigs have taught the youngsters so now there is a herd of swimming pigs on Great Major Spot Cay. You will have to excuse all the pig photos. We took about 80 photos and I couldn’t shave them down any more than this. Sorry!
This afternoon I snorkelled in a sea cave called Thunderball Cave ( because they filmed part of the James Bond film Thunderball in this cave). The fish were really tame and I took a bag of oatmeal to feed them. This was the first time I took my camera underwater and although its a waterproof camera I still felt nervous about it. There is a hole in the roof of the cave and the sunlight floods in. Spectacular!
Conch is a traditional Bahamian food and is served in many different ways. Its a bit like calamari. Every place we stop there is someone preparing Conch for the table. The photo is of Queen Conch waiting on the dock to be prepared. Around the Conch cleaning station were a big group of Nurse Sharks all jostling each other for the best position.
We have had to wait for the mailboat to come in last night to stock up with fresh fruit and veg. and now we re off to the next Cay.